A StorageEvent is sent to a window when a storage area it has access to is changed within the context of another document.


  • Event
    • StorageEvent


AT_TARGET: number
NONE: number
bubbles: boolean

Returns true or false depending on how event was initialized. True if event goes through its target's ancestors in reverse tree order, and false otherwise.

cancelBubble: boolean


cancelable: boolean

Returns true or false depending on how event was initialized. Its return value does not always carry meaning, but true can indicate that part of the operation during which event was dispatched, can be canceled by invoking the preventDefault() method.

composed: boolean

Returns true or false depending on how event was initialized. True if event invokes listeners past a ShadowRoot node that is the root of its target, and false otherwise.

currentTarget: EventTarget

Returns the object whose event listener's callback is currently being invoked.

defaultPrevented: boolean

Returns true if preventDefault() was invoked successfully to indicate cancelation, and false otherwise.

eventPhase: number

Returns the event's phase, which is one of NONE, CAPTURING_PHASE, AT_TARGET, and BUBBLING_PHASE.

isTrusted: boolean

Returns true if event was dispatched by the user agent, and false otherwise.

key: string

Returns the key of the storage item being changed.

newValue: string

Returns the new value of the key of the storage item whose value is being changed.

oldValue: string

Returns the old value of the key of the storage item whose value is being changed.

returnValue: boolean


srcElement: EventTarget


storageArea: Storage

Returns the Storage object that was affected.

target: EventTarget

Returns the object to which event is dispatched (its target).

timeStamp: number

Returns the event's timestamp as the number of milliseconds measured relative to the time origin.

type: string

Returns the type of event, e.g. "click", "hashchange", or "submit".

url: string

Returns the URL of the document whose storage item changed.


  • Returns the invocation target objects of event's path (objects on which listeners will be invoked), except for any nodes in shadow trees of which the shadow root's mode is "closed" that are not reachable from event's currentTarget.

    Returns EventTarget[]

  • Deprecated


    • type: string
    • Optional bubbles: boolean
    • Optional cancelable: boolean

    Returns void

  • Deprecated


    • type: string
    • Optional bubbles: boolean
    • Optional cancelable: boolean
    • Optional key: string
    • Optional oldValue: string
    • Optional newValue: string
    • Optional url: string | URL
    • Optional storageArea: Storage

    Returns void

  • If invoked when the cancelable attribute value is true, and while executing a listener for the event with passive set to false, signals to the operation that caused event to be dispatched that it needs to be canceled.

    Returns void

  • Invoking this method prevents event from reaching any registered event listeners after the current one finishes running and, when dispatched in a tree, also prevents event from reaching any other objects.

    Returns void

  • When dispatched in a tree, invoking this method prevents event from reaching any objects other than the current object.

    Returns void