How to Capitalize the First Letter of Each Word in JavaScript – a JS Capitalize Tutorial

This article shows how to capitalize the first letter of any word mixed with symbols or non-alphabetic chars in JavaScript. Then capitalize the first letter of every word in the sentence which concatenate or mixed with symbols.


 * capitalize string first letter of each word which mixed with symbols
 * @param {string} str
 * @param {string[]} moreSymbols add more symbols
 * @returns
function capitalizer(str, moreSymbols) {
  let symbols = ["-", " "];
  if (Array.isArray(moreSymbols)) {
    // concatenate more symbols
    symbols = [ Set(symbols.concat(moreSymbols))];
  symbols.forEach((symbol) => {
    str = str
      .map((str) => str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1))
  return str;


Code Playground

full code example at

Current Page Script


<!-- include /js-capitalize-first-letter-each-words/content.html -->


<!-- include /js-capitalize-first-letter-each-words/script.js -->


Congratulations, you learned something new today! In summary, in this article you learned how to:

  • access characters from a string
  • capitalize the first letter of a word
  • split a string into an array of words
  • Reconstruct words from an array to form a string
  • Accomplish the same task using regular expressions