registers the default width and renders the advertisement that you will choosen. This may not generally be the most suitable approach since
How To Create Responsive Chitika Ads by spesific screen resolutions 100% Work

At this moment Chitika has not formally affirmed Responsive Outline and this means you can not serve Chitika promotions of fluctuating measurements comparing to the viewport estimate/screen determination of the guest's gadget.
For better client encounter responsive advertisements must be actualized on your site since it will demonstrate diverse promotions measure pennants as per guests gadget screen size.and it will make greater plausibility to clicked by client.
You can serve responsive Chitika advertisements in default java script furnished with some little changes. The last is a more productive and suggested strategy as the JavaScript advertisement code stacks in parallel and along these lines does not hinder alternate components of the website page from rendering. As it were, your pages will stack quicker enhancing client encounter.
How to Generate Responsive Ads
Open your dashboard and under Dashboard, click "Ads » Get code." Set any irregular size like 550x250 and tap the "Get Code" catch to create the JavaScript code for your Responsive advertisement. The default code is something like this:<script type="text/javascript">
( function() {
if (window.CHITIKA === undefined) { window.CHITIKA = { 'units' : [] }; };
var unit = {"publisher":"YOur User Name","width":550,"height":250,"sid":"Chitika Default"};
var placement_id = window.CHITIKA.units.length;
document.write('<div id="chitikaAdBlock-' + placement_id + '">
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.type = 'text/javascript';
s.src = '//';
try { document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s); } catch(e) { document.write(s.outerHTML); }
There is however an alternative to constrain the promotion unit to dependably serve the rectangle or the high rise. You can change the estimation of the information promotion arrange variable in the JavaScript code from "auto" to "rectangle" and it will dependably serve one of the rectangular configurations. So also, you can set information advertisement configuration to "vertical" to dependably render a 120×600 or 160×600 rectangle. The adjusted advertisement code would be:
<script type="text/javascript">
( function() {
if (window.CHITIKA === undefined) { window.CHITIKA = { 'units' : [] }; };
var unit = {"publisher":"YOur User Name","width":550,"height":250,"sid":"Chitika Default"};
var placement_id = window.CHITIKA.units.length;
document.write('<div id="chitikaAdBlock-' + placement_id + '">
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.type = 'text/javascript';
s.src = '//';
try { document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s); } catch(e) { document.write(s.outerHTML); }
Responsive Ads (Another Approach)
Regardless of whether you set information advertisement arrange as "auto" or "vertical" or "level" or vertical, the Chitika calculations will in any case choose which promotion to serve. For example, in the event that you request a rectangle, you may either get a medium rectangle or a huge rectangle.Should you wish to constrain to serve advertisements of a specific size while remaining responsive, you can consider exclusively measured promotions. The measure of these promotions is resolved in view of the screen yet the distributer has more control over the standard size that is served.
<div id="chitika-ads-1"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
/* Calculate the width of available ad space */
ad = document.getElementById('chitika-ads-1');
if (ad.getBoundingClientRect().width) {
adWidth = ad.getBoundingClientRect().width; // for modern browsers
} else {
adWidth = ad.offsetWidth; // for old IE
( function() {
if (window.CHITIKA === undefined) { window.CHITIKA = { 'units' : [] }; };
if ( adWidth >= 728 )
var unit = {"publisher":"YOur User Name","width":728,"height":90,"sid":"Chitika Default"}; /* Leaderboard 728x90 */
else if ( adWidth >= 468 )
var unit = {"publisher":"YOur User Name","width":550,"height":250,"sid":"Chitika Default"};
else if ( adWidth >= 336 )
var unit = {"publisher":"YOur User Name","width":336,"height":280,"sid":"Chitika Default"};
else if ( adWidth >= 300 )
var unit = {"publisher":"YOur User Name","width":300,"height":250,"sid":"Chitika Default"};
else if ( adWidth >= 250 )
var unit = {"publisher":"YOur User Name","width":250,"height":250,"sid":"Chitika Default"};
else if ( adWidth >= 200 )
var unit = {"publisher":"YOur User Name","width":200,"height":200,"sid":"Chitika Default"};
else if ( adWidth >= 180 )
var unit = {"publisher":"YOur User Name","width":180,"height":150,"sid":"Chitika Default"};
var unit = {"publisher":"YOur User Name","width":125,"height":125,"sid":"Chitika Default"};
var placement_id = window.CHITIKA.units.length;
document.write('<div id="chitikaAdBlock-' + placement_id + '"></div>');
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.type = 'text/javascript';
s.src = '//';
try { document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s); } catch(e) { document.write(s.outerHTML); }
Go to your dashboard and either make another promotion unit or utilize one of your current advertisement units. Make a note of the ID demonstrated as"Your client name" of your promotion unit and furthermore your Distributer ID and glue these qualities in that Line.
Next, duplicate glue the above piece anyplace on your website page and, in view of the measure of the client's gadget, the most suitable Promotion will be served. On the off chance that you wish to incorporate different responsive advertisement units on a similar page, simply utilize a similar bit of code yet increase the DIV ID in lines #1 and #6 to such an extent that they move toward becoming chitika-promotions 1, chitika-promotions 2 et cetera.