# fix image links generated by migrate # they will look like this: [](link to larg img) # this is an image that is the anchor text to the big immage # this perl command replaces the anchor and inserts a new image tag that points to the large one # # regex broken down # # \[!\[]\(http.*?\)] # matches the start of the anchor tag like: [![] (http:...)] # # (\(http.*?\)) # matches the second part (http:....) including the brackets and captures it in group 1 # # this part of the regex produces the new image tag with the matched group 1 # ![]\1 # perl -p -i -e 's/\[!\[]\(http.*?\)](\(http.*?\))/![]\1/g' source/_posts/*
# download the images to the local folder node_modules/.bin/hexo migrate image
# strip all html tags and their attributes perl -p -i -e 's/<.*?>//g' source/_posts/*
# replace all occurances of mor than 3 empty lines with just two of them # this is required because the blogger migrate creates a lot of empty lines # the tag replacement from above then creates even more perl -0 -p -i -e 's/\n{3,}/\n\n/g' source/_posts/*
# remove all generated .bak files rm source/_posts/*.bak
functionanonIp($ip) { if (strpos($ip, ".") !== false) { // detect IP type by dots instead of length $pieces = explode(".", $ip); $nPieces = count($pieces);
old hexo gist
{% gist 996818 %}
new hexo gist
{% gist imathis/996818 %}
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
@@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ class SpritesTest < Test::Unit::TestCase it "should generate a sprite from nested folders" do css = render <<-SCSS - @import "nested/*.png"; + @import "nested/**/*.png"; @include all-nested-sprites; SCSS assert_correct css, <<-CSS
// by design, this returns the same values as .NET's System.Random exportdefaultclassRandom { privatestaticreadonlyINT_MAX_VALUE: number = 0x7fffffff; privatestaticreadonlyINT_MIN_VALUE: number = 0x80000000; privatestaticreadonlyMSEED = 161803398;
public nextInteger = () =>this.internalSample(); public nextIntegerBetween = (minValue: number, maxValue: number) =>Math.floor(this.nextNumberBetween(minValue, maxValue)); public nextIntegerLessThan = (maxValue: number) =>Math.floor(this.nextNumberLessThan(maxValue)); public nextNumber = () =>this.sample(); publicnextNumberBetween(minValue: number, maxValue: number) { if (minValue > maxValue) thrownewError("Argument out of range.");
var range = maxValue - minValue; if (range <= Random.INT_MAX_VALUE) returnthis.sample() * range + minValue;
returnthis.getSampleForLargeRange() * range + minValue; }
publicnextNumberLessThan(maxValue: number) { if (maxValue < 0) thrownewError("Argument out of range.");
returnthis.sample() * maxValue; }
privategetSampleForLargeRange() { var result = this.internalSample(); var negative = this.internalSample() % 2 == 0; if (negative) { result = -result; }
let d = result; d += Random.INT_MAX_VALUE - 1; d /= 2 * Random.INT_MAX_VALUE - 1; return d; }
privateinternalSample() { var locINext = this.inext; var locINextp = this.inextp;
if (++locINext >= 56) { locINext = 1; }
if (++locINextp >= 56) { locINextp = 1; }
let retVal = this.seedArray[locINext] - this.seedArray[locINextp]; if (retVal == Random.INT_MAX_VALUE) { retVal--; }
if (retVal < 0) { retVal += Random.INT_MAX_VALUE; }