Script Auto Invite All Friends To Like Fanpage
Script Auto Invite All Friends To Like Fanpage Without Plugin and Tool
Fanpage is one of the most effective media to sell.LIKE a lot number can be a plus and very profitable for a Fanpage. If you have tried the trick before, so now you've had many friends in the friend list.Invite them all to love your Fanpage. LIKE then the number will increase.
How Klo number of his friends thousands? Klo must be exhausted before you invite one-on-one?Well, I have a simple trick that can invite all your friends at once for liking Facebook Fanpage.

It was her simple method of auto invite all friends to like Facebook Fanpage with the script. The simple method to invite all your friends to like a Facebook Fanpage . Without plugins. Without a tool. May be useful.
How Klo number of his friends thousands? Klo must be exhausted before you invite one-on-one?Well, I have a simple trick that can invite all your friends at once for liking Facebook Fanpage.
- Log in to Facebook .
- Open Fanpage question. I take the example Fanpage Secret Network Forces . You SHOULD NOT be the admin of the Fanpage.
- Click "Invite friends to like this Page" (Indonesian: Invite Friends to Liking this page).
- Scroll down, way down, to get stuck, so that friends ter are loaded and appear all.
- FOR GOOGLE CHROME: Click on F12 on your keyboard, then select the menu CONSOLE.
- FOR MOZILLA FIREFOX: Click on CTRL + SHIFT + K on your keyboard, then select the menu CONSOLE.
- THE MOST IMPORTANT. Copy the script below into the Console menu earlier. And then press ENTER.
javascript:var igniel = document.getElementsByClassName('uiButton _1sm'); for(var i=0; i<igniel.length;i++) {igniel[i].click();}
- Wait a few seconds until all the invite process is completed. Klo until his friends many thousands, the process can take 5-10 minutes.
- For more details, you can look at the picture below.

It was her simple method of auto invite all friends to like Facebook Fanpage with the script. The simple method to invite all your friends to like a Facebook Fanpage . Without plugins. Without a tool. May be useful.
Update April 2017: Added more cool tools and simplify usage. Check HERE.