Macros Auto Click Bluestacks for the legend of neverland download
Indeed, in case you're on BlueStacks construct 4.130 or higher, you'll approach the Macros, a component that permits you to record yourself finishing a portion of these dull jobs/monotonous tasks, and afterward utilize these accounts to mechanize them in each resulting endeavor.
Introduction: Macros barely used for Collect assets. Update abilities. Train troops. Assault brutes. Farming monsters. And More.
Presenting Macros in BlueStacks (for variants 4.140 or higher). Record an arrangement of activities on any piece of BlueStacks, including the home screen, tie it to a catch on your mouse or console, and duplicate them later with 100% accuracy. You can make Macros for any game however it is particularly viable in victory games and RPGs. Read more
- Collect materials
- Mining: for upgrading gears and weapons
- Inscription: for upgrading skills and talents
- Insect: for produce crystal
- Auto fishing: Click Here To Read And Download The Script
How to download the macros

Auto Farming Materials
Auto accept Trial Of Time Captain Invitation
Auto Claim Abyss Rewards
Auto target monsters
How to import the macros script into bluestacks
Click Macros On Bluestacks
Click Import
Select JSON macros script then import
Import successful
Gallery - Macros Auto Click Bluestacks