Table of Contents or so-called sitemap is a navigation that is designed to allow visitors to access the content or topics required by them. In addition to the table of contents or links sitemap consists of all the posts in one place so that visitors feel more at home and bounce rate would be more down.The table of contents or sitemap can help the search engine bots to facilitate indexing your site.
Already know what it is sitemap and function. Unfortunately blogger or blogspot does not provide some kind of widget, but we can add it.Okay, this time I will try to discuss how to add features sitemap or table of contents on blogger or blogspot you.
Here are the steps how to create a table of contents or sitemap in blogger or blogspot:
1. Before you go to edit the template, please backup first your default template, here is a tutorial how to backup blogger template:
How to easily backup template blogger or blogspot
2. Then you edit your blogger template, if you do not know how to edit the template blogger here's how to edit the template blogger:
How to edit the template blogger or blogspot
3. Please you first to enter his table CSS, CSS tables can be found at:
How to create a flat table responsive in blogger or blogspot
4. Ok I think you've done step 3 above, the next step is to create a page or a page and then go to HTMLeditor, which do not know how to make the page can be seen in the following tutorial:
How to add pages in blogger or blogspot
5. Once you are in HTML editor, enter the following code:
The above code I can from my own blog, the HTML so that suitable modifications create responsive websites and using css flat on a table resposive previous articles that I have created.
Ok next is where the hell I can see the demo, please click the following demos:
Ok bro, so many of my tutorials may be useful.